A. My name is _____________ and I need to report an attack, a possible attack, at address, intersection, etc.
B. The individual (give a brief description of the attacker) and (ran off, drove off, etc.)
C. I do have a permit to carry a firearm, and exposed my firearm to the attacker, but I did not use it.
D. I’ve called my attorney and (he or she) will contact you to schedule time to make a statement, here is my number. Be prepared to answer any questions related to the alleged attacker or your contact information, but do not answer any questions about your actions. Be prepared to hang up if the questioning gets persistent.
2. Call your attorney. If you can’t reach your attorney, leave a message and contact information for where and how he or she can reach you.
A. My name is ___________ and I need to report an attack at (address, intersection, etc.)
B. The attacker (ran away, is injured, need an ambulance).
C. I am wearing ______ and I do have a permit to carry a firearm so let the police know that I’ll place my fire arm (on the front seat of my car, on my hood, back in my holster) before they arrive.
D. I need to (go help my family, watch the attacker, get to a safer place) so I’m going to hang up now.
E. Hang up.
2. Call your attorney.
3. Call your family. Inform them that you’ve been involved in a defensive situation and instruct them to speak with no one – not the police, not the media, no one! Tell family members to inform the police that they do not consent to search of your home or property and that they will answer no questions unless your attorney is present.
“ I want my lawyer present before I answer any questions, and until then, I invoke my right to remain silent.”
“ I do NOT consent to a search of my Person or my Property”
***Any interview with the police should be delayed as long as possible, but at least 48 hours.***
*The educational information on this site is not intended to be sole legal advice. Instead, use this information as a guide after consulting with your attorney to make any suggested changes. Alamo City Self Defense is not your attorney and will NEVER give you legal advice.
The Texas Concealed Handgun License Proficiency Test is not a difficult shooting test to pass. It is a timed test designed with plenty of time to take your shots accurately.
Handgun LTC Requirements
There is no minimum caliber to legally carry as long as it is a legal pistol. We require at the minimum a .22 caliber pistol to qualify.
There is no longer a classification of concealed handgun license. If you qualify with a revolver you can carry a semi-automatic.
All handguns will be inspected by instructors for the safety of the shooter, instructors, and other students. Unsafe handguns will not be allowed for the shooting proficiency test.
Any student not following safe gun handling procedures on the range or in the classroom will be ask to leave the classroom and range. NO REFUNDS for safety violations.
Number of Rounds Fired
The shooting test requires 50 rounds of ammunition
The LTC Shooting test is fired at three distances:
All 50 rounds must be shot.
LTC Passing Score
The Texas LTC shooting test passing score is 175 points out of 250 points or a score of 70%. The state allows for three chances to pass the shooting test.
LTC Shooting Proficiency Test Scoring
3 yards, 20 rounds
7 yards, 20 rounds
15 yards, 10 rounds
• Shots within the 8 ring (red) are 5 points.
• Shots within the 7 ring (blue) and outside the 8 ring (red) are 4 points.
• Shots outside the 7 ring and still on the silhouette are 3 points.
• Shots in the white area are 0 points.
**Shots that hit just outside the ring but break the line count as the higher score