The Basic Pistol class is for someone who wants to learn the proper way to safely and responsibly use handguns. Topics covered include:
- Firearm Basics (Revolver/ Pistol)
- What to look for when purchasing a firearm, Shooting Fundamentals
- Gear and Gadgets
- Basic/Advanced Skills.
The Course is 4.5 Hours, minimum (3 Hours Classroom Plus 1 – 1.5 Hour Range Time)
At least 1 – 1.5 hours will be live fire at the range applying these shooting fundamentals. You do not need to own a gun to take the class. Rental Firearms are available . USCCA certificate will be issued upon successful completion of class.
The following states recognize our “signed” USCCA certificates as satisfying the training requirement for that State’s Concealed Carry Permit. The list include: Florida, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.