license to carry

Benefits of Obtaining a Texas Gun License

Women’s Class


A Texas License to Carry (LTC) offers a range of benefits that extend beyond just the ability to conceal a handgun. Here are some key advantages:

**Enhanced Personal Protection:**

* **Deterrence:** Most criminals prefer easier targets. Openly carrying a firearm can deter potential attackers.
* **Self-defense:** In a dangerous situation, an LTC allows you to legally respond with a firearm if necessary.
* **Confidence and peace of mind:** Knowing you have a means of self-defense can provide a sense of security and well-being.

**Legal Benefits:**

* **Streamlined firearm purchases:** With an LTC, you no longer need a separate background check when buying a handgun from a licensed dealer.
* **Reciprocity:** Your Texas LTC is recognized in over 30 other states, allowing you to legally carry concealed in those jurisdictions.
* **Trespass protections:** An LTC provides specific legal protections against being charged with trespassing for carrying a concealed handgun on private property (unless posted signage explicitly prohibits it).

**Additional Benefits:**

* **Employment protections:** Texas law prohibits employers from banning LTC holders from keeping firearms in their vehicles parked on company property (unless the employer is a government entity or certain safety-sensitive businesses).
* **Enhanced legal knowledge:** Obtaining an LTC requires training in firearm safety and Texas gun laws, promoting responsible gun ownership.
* **Lifetime investment:** An LTC is valid for five years and can be renewed for life, making it a worthwhile investment.

However, it’s important to remember that carrying a concealed handgun is a significant responsibility. Before obtaining an LTC, it’s crucial to undergo proper training and understand the legal implications and ethical considerations involved.

I hope this information helps! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about Texas LTCs or specific benefits that may interest you.

Color Codes of Awareness

  • White “The condition of MOST Victims”
  • Never while “Armed” – Defensive shooting might occur & could’ve been avoided
  • Smart phones, MP3 players provide the perfect atmosphere for condition white
  • Criminals prefer Victims in this condition 
  • Victims fail to recognize emotions or aggressiveness of others
  • Yellow “Aware of Your Surroundings”
  • Anytime in Public
  • Not paranoid but scan for possible threats and their sources
  • Posture and demeanor says “I am alert”
  • MUST be In condition Yellow when ARMED
  • Orange “Identified Possible Threat or Threats”
  • Realize something may be wrong
  • You make a plan on how to react/ Ex. Exit strategy, Increase distance, Verbal commands “stay back”, Taking Cover
  • Defined a mental trigger that will move you to take action such as an individual refusing your commands and moving into your protective bubble
  • While your weapon may still be holstered, you should prepare to access it
  • Red  “Action is Immediate”
  • Your mental trigger has been tripped and you execute your plan to Escape, Take Cover or Engage the Threat
  • Trust your instinct, it’s far better to run away from a situation that turned out NOT to be a threat than it is to be stuck in a mental block of “this can’t be what I think it is and guessing wrong”
  • The use of FORCE is still governed by the obligation to retreat if possible and the obligation to use something less than deadly force if it will suffice. 
  • A use of FORCE is NOT the REQUIRED outcome. 
  • LTC (License To Carry) is an option that may be used if we find ourselves unable to avoid or escape a dangerous situation when we are out in public. 
  • It is NOT a permit to go places, say things or act in a way that we should not do otherwise

⚖️Texas License-To-Carry (LTC) Application Fees

There are three standard fees when going through the process to receive a Texas License-To-Carry card. They are as follows:

  1. Instructor Fee: Varies. The state does not set this fee, the instructors set their own fee for their class sessions.
  2. Fingerprint Fee: $9.95 and is set by the fingerprinting company.
  3. Application Fee: Varies by condition. See Application Conditions and fees below.

License To Carry a Handgun (LTC) applicants may be eligible for a discount and/or certain exemption(s) based on what condition they apply under.

As of September 1, 2017 the following application fees apply:

Application Conditions

Standard Condition

Individuals who do not meet the requirements for any discount.

Original/New Application Fee = The initial license is $40.00 and is issued for a period of 4 years. The initial license expires on your next birthday following a 4-year period. On renewal, the standard license fee is $40.00 for a 5-year license, which will expire on your birthday.

Renewal Application Fee = $40

Active Judicial Officer/Supervision or Juvenile Probation Officer

Individuals who are serving as judges or justices of the supreme court, the court of criminal appeals, a court of appeals, a district court, a criminal district court, a constitutional county court, a statutory county court, a justice court, or a municipal court; or a federal judge who is resident of Texas; or persons appointed and serving as associate judges; or a Texas Supervision or Juvenile Probation officer.

Original/New Application Fee = $25

Renewal Application Fee = $25

Retired Judicial Officer

Individuals who were serving as judges or justices of the supreme court, the court of criminal appeals, a court of appeals, a district court, a criminal district court, a constitutional county court, a statutory county court, a justice court, or a municipal court; or a federal judge who is resident of Texas; or persons appointed and serving as associate judges.

Original/New Application Fee = $25

Renewal Application Fee = $25

Active Military/Active Texas Military Member/Active Texas Peace Officer/State Correctional Officer (TDCJ)/ County Jailer

Individuals currently serving in the military OR who were honorably discharged within the last 365 days; or Licensed peace officers under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code, and are employed as a peace officer by a Texas law enforcement agency; or Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Correctional Officer; or an Active Texas Military Member; or County Jailer.

Original/New Application Fee = $0

Renewal Application Fee = $0

Honorably Retired Texas Peace Officer

Individuals who were licensed as peace officers under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code, and who were honorably retired from having been employed full-time or as a reserve peace officer by a Texas law enforcement agency.

Original/New Application Fee = $25

Renewal Application Fee = $25

Retired Federal Officer

Individuals who are honorably retired Officers of the United States who were eligible to carry a firearm in the discharge of the officer’s official duties.

Original/New Application Fee = $25

Renewal Application Fee = $25

Senior Citizen

Individuals who are at least 60 years of age at the time of application.

Original/New Application Fee = $40

Renewal Application Fee = $35


Individuals who fall below the poverty threshold as set forth by the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Original/New Application Fee = $40

Renewal Application Fee = $35

Felony Prosecuting Attorney/United States attorney/Assistant United States Attorney/Texas Attorney General/ Assistant Texas Attorney General

Individuals who are elected or employed attorneys representing the state in the prosecution of felony cases; or an United States attorney; or an Assistant United States Attorney; or a Texas Attorney General; or an Assistant Texas Attorney General

Original/New Application Fee = $0

Renewal Application Fee = $0

Veteran (Honorably Discharged)

Individuals honorably discharged from military service.

Original/New Application Fee = $25

Renewal Application Fee = $25

Other / Assistant Prosecutor/

Individuals who are prosecuting attorneys or assistant prosecuting attorneys

Original/New Application Fee = $40

Renewal Application Fee = $40

Instructor Certification/Online Course Provider

Certified Instructors are individuals trained and certified by Texas Department of Public Safety to instruct the License To Carry a Handgun training courses to the public; Online Course Providers are individuals trained and certified by the Texas Department of Public Safety to instruct, online, the classroom portion of the License to Carry Handgun Proficiency Course.

Original/New Application Fee = $100

Renewal Application Fee = $100

⚖️ Steps to Getting a Texas Concealed Handgun License*

To earn your Texas LTC the following criteria must be met:
  1. Meet all the eligibility requirements to earn a Texas Concealed Handgun license.
  2. Pass the state written exam with a 70% or better passing score.
  3. Pass the state proficiency/shooting exam with a 70% or better.
  4. Submit the following documents:
    • Upon successful completion, the required training certificate will be issued to you by your LTC instructor when you have completed and passed your Texas LTC written exam and proficiency shooting exam.
    • The photo from you Texas Drivers License or ID will be used for your License-To-Carry.
    • If you DO NOT have a valid Texas Drivers License or ID you will need the following items.
      • 2 passport photos 
      • LTC-6 Photo Form 
  5. Link to apply for To DPS for License: APPLY_TXDPS_LTC_ONLINE
  6. Link to upload documents: RSD_DOCUMENTS_UPLOAD

*** IMPORTANT NOTE *** It is the sole responsibility of each individual to determine if they are ELIGIBLE to receive a Texas License-To-Carry. Alamo City Self Defense,, their owners, employees, and representatives are not responsible, nor obligated, to determine eligibility of any individual as to their ability to be issued a Texas Concealed Handgun license. Each individual must verify their own eligibility status or verify eligibility through consultation with an attorney or qualified legal representative. NO REFUNDS shall be issued after an individual has completed our training courses even if it is determined that the individual is or was not NOT ELIGIBLE to receive a Texas Concealed Handgun license from the State of Texas.


  • You must be 21 (18 for Military & Veterans) years of age when DPS receives the full application.
  • If you are a citizen of another country you must have a resident visa.
  • If you have a Felony conviction with deferred adjudication, you must wait 10 years to apply unless the charge is for offenses against people, which includes homicide, kidnapping, restraint, human trafficking, sex offenses and assaults or Robbery.
  • You may NOT have been convicted of a Class A or B misdemeanor within the last 5 years.
  • You may NOT have been convicted of the Class C misdemeanor for Disorderly Conduct in the last 5 years.
  • You may NOT have been found by a court to be Currently in default on any student loan.
  • You may NOT have been found by a court to be Currently in default on any state or city taxes.
  • You may NOT have been found by a court to be Currently in default on child support.
  • You may NOT presently be charged with a: 1)Felony; 2)Class A or B misdemeanor; 3)Class C Disorderly Conduct.
  • You may NOT be currently under a court protective order or subject to a restraining order affecting the spousal relationship, other than a restraining order solely affecting property interest.
  • You may NOT (in the last 10 years preceding the date of application) have been adjudicated as having engaged in delinquent conduct violating a penal law of the grade of felony as a juvenile.
  • You cannot have made any material misrepresentation, or failed to disclose any material fact, in an application submitted to DPS.
  • You cannot have been convicted twice within the last 10 years for any Class B misdemeanor, or greater, involving the use of alcohol or a controlled substance.
  • You cannot be a fugitive from justice; a chemically dependent person; or a person of unsound mind.

At Alamo Self Defense, we offer several ways to get your Texas License To Carry Permit. Click here to get started.

This Good Samaritan Attempt Teaches Valuable Lessons

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country.

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Texas License-To-Carry Shooting Test

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country.

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